每天早晚,以無名指把小量拯救眼部精華Rescue Eye Treatment 以順時針方向沿著眼骨輕印於眼周肌膚。
注意:若需要增加眼部滋養,可先以Olive Skin Serum或 Acai Berry Active Defence Serum打底(避免眼蓋部份)
- 羅馬洋甘菊 – 高度抗氧化,為眼部四週的肌膚提供額外保護。幫助減少眼部浮腫非常重要,羅馬洋甘菊能有效保持肌膚潔淨。除了讓產品散發怡人芳香外,同時亦能收緊眼部四週肌膚、改善傷疤、鎮靜紓緩肌膚、穩定皮脂分泌、平衡過乾或過油肌膚,並有效預防過早衰老。
- 透明質酸 – 由粟米提取的葡萄糖基礎分子,能吸取空氣中的水份帶到肌膚,恢復肌膚彈性。
- 小米草(亮眼) 精華 – 含豐富強效抗氧化物黃酮,其抗氧化能力是維他命E的十倍以上。它同時含豐富維他命A、B群、C、D、鐵、矽、銅、鋅,有眼睛維他命之稱。
- 卡拉膠 – 提取自海洋紅藻的多醣體 ,能軟化及緊緻肌膚組織,增加肌膚彈性,並在肌膚上敷上一層透氣薄膜鎖住水份。
- 甘草根萃取物 – 可讓皮膚透亮,可減少紫外線吸收,防止色斑形成,具紓緩特性,並能幫助淡化黑眼圈。
- 山金車萃取物 – 能減少眼部浮腫,能促進血液循環,並幫助減淡黑眼圈。
- 阿拉伯樹膠 – 能緊緻、提升及調節肌膚。
- 馬尾草萃取物 – 含豐富矽和鈣,能修復及保護結締組織,增加肌膚彈性
- 燕麥萃取物 – 含豐富維他命及礦物質,具補水、軟化肌膚、抗氧化抗衰老,並能幫助撫平皺紋及小細紋。
- 蘆薈汁 – 含多種黏多醣體、礦物質、氨基酸等天然保濕因子、維他命A,C,E,B1,B2,B3,B6,B12、十二種以酵素、粘蛋白及皂素甘,能有效補水,強化肌膚,平衡肌膚的水份及油份。
- 青瓜萃取物 – 能減緩敏感肌膚,加強肌膚保濕,軟化肌膚。
- 洋甘菊萃取物 – 能紓緩及鎮靜肌膚,並能改善多種肌膚問題如皮膚敏感、發紅及乾燥。
Suzanne Beveridge –
我愛上它在我眼睛周圍的緊緻水嫩的感覺! 完全都不會覺得油膩
I love how this eye gel leaves the skin around my eyes feeling firm and hydrated while not greasy in any way.
Susi –
最好的眼部保養!!! 我愛上它的氣味還有它的輕薄, 容易吸收
一點都不會油膩!!! 再見了! 我浮腫的眼睛
BEST EYE TREATMENT EVER!!!! I love the smell and the fact it is light and non greasy. Bye bye puffy eyes.
Bree –
它真超讚的!! 很有用
This is awesome, It works wonders.
billielg –
最好用的眼部精華液!! 真的讓我浮腫的眼睛改善很多
Best eye gel I have used, really helped with my puffy eyes.
Mel –
我每天都使用, 它真的幫助我眼部周圍的肌膚水嫩而且不會油油的! 吸收超快
Use this daily and it really helps keep my eyes hydrated and not greasy at all. Dries quickly.
yvonne ryan –
我叫他魔幻瓶^^ 我毫無疑問地愛上這個眼部精華液!! 它讓我覺得很輕薄易吸收,完全不油膩! 我有發現短時間內周圍的黑眼圈已經開始慢慢地消失, 我有被它嚇到怎麼能在這麼短的時間看出差別. 當然我也超愛它沒有任何化學的成分在裡面! 因為其他的眼部精華液都有.我肯定介紹給我的朋友們
I call this ‘MIRACLE IN A BOTTLE’ l absolutely love this Rescue Eye Treatment. It feels so light to use and non greasy or oily . l have noticed the dark circles around my eyes have started to disappear after using for a short amount of time. I’m actually shocked at what a difference this has made so quickly. l also love the fact that this has none of the nasty chemicals that are in most eye treatments and skincare products . l absolutely love this and will recommend to everyone
Maxine Goodwin –
這是我用過最好用的眼部精華液. 已經很多年我用便宜的,貴的, 甚至一堆網路上介紹說好用的. 完全沒有一個可以跟 BOTANI拯救眼部精華相比. 目前我用了很多年了, 皺紋,眼袋,黑眼圈在我51歲的臉上已經幾乎看不到. 它就像是眼部的橡皮擦!!! 超愛它而且我肯定會一直用下去! 就像其他的BOTANI商品一樣^^
This is the very best eye product I have ever used. Over the years I have tried many different products from the cheap and cheerful to cult products. Nothing compares to Rescue Eye Treatment. I have used it for years now and am almost wrinkle free, bag free and dark circle free at 51! It is like a facelift for eyes. Love it and will always use it, just like the other Botani products permanently on my shelf.
Claudia –
天啊!! 超好用的!! 當我擦在眼周的時候, 馬上能感受到幾乎緊緻跟水嫩,幾分鐘的時間撫平了皺紋與細紋!! BOTANI是我目前唯一使用的品牌! 謝謝你們
OMG this is an amazing product. Upon using the product the eye area instantly tightened while hydrating the skin, fine lines and wrinkles softened within minutes. Botani is one of the only skin products I now use. Thanks so much Botani
Pearl –
哇! 這絕對是最好用的眼部精華! 它的質地非常的平滑而且淡淡的香味! 它的噴頭品質很好, 一次只會擠一點點出來! 一點都不會浪費
Wow! This is definitely the best eye cream I have ever used. It’s silky smooth and has a lovely but faint scent. The pump is good quality and is capable of dispensing a small amount of product.
tanya –
這個眼部精華液真的很美妙! 我的眼睛總是因為黑眼圈看起來很累, 而且因為眼皮太缺水而下垂~! 現在我的眼皮跟眼下肌膚都看起來很柔和且緊緻! 黑眼圈變得越來越淡,幾乎都快要看不到了! 我會介紹給每一個人! 試過你肯定不會失望
This eye treatment is truly wonderful. My eyes always looked tired with dark circles and droopy eyelids from lack of hydration. The eyelids and skin under my eyes are now tighter and softer looking. The dark circles though still there are fading and not as noticeable. I would recommend this to anyone. Try it you wont be disappointed.
Renee –
這個名字真的取的一點都沒錯!! 真的拯救了我的眼睛!!! 使用半個小時,我就看到改善! 好險這個商品有用!! 謝謝 BOTANI
Correctly named..this product definately has rescued my eye area! I saw a visable change in less than half an hour. I’m so relieved to have this product as it WORKS! Thankyou Botani.