Botani 的 瑰麗保濕面膜 是一款沙龍等級的護膚保養!這款精緻的玫瑰天竺葵香味輕盈如空氣的面膜中融合了滋養植物成分,可讓乾燥、無生氣的肌膚恢復活力,讓您擁有柔軟、滋潤、豐盈的肌膚。
每週使用 3 次 Botani 的瑰麗保濕面膜,讓您的肌膚保持深層滋養、平衡和豐盈。
我們的 瑰麗保濕面膜 中的天然成分經過專門配製,可急救修護以及舒緩不適。
甜菜鹼、Crambe Abyssinica 和橄欖油共同作用,鎖住水分,進一步加強皮膚屏障。
主要功用 Key Benefits:
- 讓人聯想到日間水療中心的令人放鬆、鎮靜的香味
- 觸感超豪華;滑過皮膚並用水分擁抱它
- 高抗氧化和保濕性能;強化肌膚屏障
- 減少自由基;幫助撫平細紋的出現和皺紋
- Vegan Certified
- Cruelty Free
- 使用 瑰麗保濕面膜 清潔乾燥的皮膚,避開嬌嫩的眼部區域
- 可停留 10-15 分鐘或輕輕塗抹面膜並可敷一整晚
- 用溫水沖洗乾淨,然後用棉布拍乾。
- 每週 3 次或根據您需要。
Yvonnesokias –
I couldn’t be more happier.
My face feels so amazing and fresh with a beauty scent running through.
I absolutely recommend this for that radiant skin your looking for
Inga –
This mask is divine! I love this delicious smell and light texture, and most of all I love the results. Thank you, Botani, for another great product and delightful experience!
Inga –
This mask is divine! I love this delicious smell and light texture, and most of all I love the results. Thank you, Botani, for another great product and delightful experience!
Helen –
Radiant Rose Mask 是我最喜歡的 Botani 產品。我每週 4 晚將面膜留在過夜,其他晚上我使用橄欖精華。早上起來,我的皮膚柔軟而有光澤。這款香水令人愉悅。感謝 Botani 製作瞭如此精美的產品。
The Radiant Rose Mask is my favourite product from Botani. I leave the mask on overnight 4 nights a week and the other nights I use the olive serum. In the morning my skin is soft and glowing. The fragrance is delightful. Thank you Botani for making such beautiful products.
Maxine Goodwin –
Radiant Rose Mask 是我所希望的一切。面膜有一種美麗的香味,不會過於強烈,它讓我的皮膚柔軟和平靜。僅使用幾次後,我發現膚色更均勻。你只需要少量塗抹在面部和頸部,使用易於去除的面膜非常好,這意味著我將每週使用推薦的 3 次。這款面膜肯定會成為我 Botani 購物袋中的必買物品。
The Radiant Rose Mask was everything I had hoped for. The mask has a beautiful fragrance which isn’t overpowering and it leaves my skin soft and calm. After using only a couple of times I have noticed a more even skin tone. You only need a small amount to apply all over the face and neck and it is so nice to use a mask that is easy to remove also, which means I will apply it the recommended three times a week. This mask will definitely be a regular item in my Botani shopping bag.